Sunday, 22 February 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Lux, the Lady of Luminousity

Today on Summoners Champion Guide we will be talking about a very fun champion in the League of Legends, Lux – the Lady of Luminosity. Lux is a mage played in the middle lane. All of her skills are skill shots and require god aim. However, she can still be picked up by beginners if enough time is spent into mastering her because she is tons of fun to play!

Champion Strengths:

·         Lots of AoE damage
·         Great range
·         Great burst
·         Great laugh

Champion Weaknesses:

·         Missing skill shots can be fatal
·         Mana hungry Early game
·         Long cooldowns
·         Easy to kill once reached

Champion Abilities:

Passive – Illumination: Lux’s Damaging abilities will light up enemies for a short period of time. When a lit up enemy is struck with a basic attack from lux, additional damage is dealt.

Q – Light Binding: Lux firs a projectile that will root enemies caught in the projectile. Once the binding hits an enemy a second binding will travel further, staying within the original bindings radius. The second enemy hit takes half the damage and is rooted for only half the time.

W – Prismatic Barrier: Lux fires a shield to shield herself and allies in the radius for a short duration. This shield will then return to lux shielding allies again but only refreshing the shield duration and not stacking.

E – Lucent Singularity: Lux sends out a ball projectile that will last for 5 seconds. Lux can activate the ability to explode the ball at any time. Once exploded the ball will deal damage and slow enemies caught in the radius.

R – Final Spark (Laser of death):  After a short charge up time lux will fire an op ranged laser that deals significant damage to anyone caught in the fire radius. Any enemies marked by Illumination will take additional damage.

When playing Lux Max your E first. Next max you’re Q and then finally your W. Level up your ultimate whenever possible.

Champion Build:

Summoner Spells:

Take flash while playing lux. This can ensure escapes and lux does not have any mobility. Also ignite helps for early game burst and kill securing.

Runes and Masteries:


Lux is a very fun Champion in the League of Legends to play. She has very long range and lots of burst damage and is relatively easy for beginners to pick up and learn. If you enjoyed this guide check out our other guides and also check out our social media pages and tell us your thoughts! 

Saturday, 21 February 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Vayne, the Night Hunter

This week on Summoners Champion Guide we are going to introduce Vayne the Night Hunter. Vayne is an ADC who is played in the bottom lane with a support. This champion requires a lot of skill to master and should not be attempted for beginner players. However in the hands of someone who has mastered her Vayne can become a large threat to the entire enemy team if she is not focused and taken out in team fights.

Champion Strengths:
·         Late game hyper carry
·         High mobility
·         Great in team fights
·         Has true damage

Champion Weaknesses:
·         High skill cap
·         Weak laning phase

Champion Abilities:
Passive - Night Hunter: Vayne gains increased movement speed when running towards a visible enemy champion.

Q – Tumble: Vayne rolls a short distance in the direction of the cruiser also resetting her basic attack timer. Her next basic attack will deal bonus damage.

W - Silver Bolts: Each auto attack Vayne lands on a target will stack a silver bolt ring. On the third consecutive attack the rings will be consumed dealing true damage. If Vayne switches targets or stops attacking the target for 3 seconds the rings will be removed from the target.

E - Condemn: Vayne fires a projectile that deal damage and knocks back the target a set distance. This projectile applies a stack of silver bolts. If the target is knocked back into a wall the target will tack additional damage and will be stunned for a short duration.

R – Final Hour: Vayne gains additional attack damage. During this time Vayne’s passive speed increase is tripled and using Tumble will stealth Vayne for a short period of time.

When playing Vayne max your W first. From there max you’re Q and then your E lastly. Your ultimate should be leveled up whenever available.

Item build

Summoner spells:

For Vayne take flash for disengage or engaging. Heal is also a great summoner spell for ADC’s as it provides a small heal for two players and a small movement speed buff.

Runes and Masteries:


Vayne is a very powerful champion in the league of legends who takes time to master, not suited for beginner players. Once mastered Vayne can become a hyper carry that can obliterate any foe if used correctly. Did you like this guide? Make sure to check out our other guides and let us know how you feel on our social media pages! 

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Sona, Maven of the Strings!

This week we are going to talk about the newest champion in League of Legends to receive an ultimate skin Sona: Maven of the Strings. Sona is played in the bottom lane as a support. She is designed to harass her lane opponents while at the same time being able to heal herself and allies for great sustain. Sona can deal high amounts of damage however she is very easy to kill.

Champion Strengths
·         Good harass
·         Great sustain
·         Crowd Control

Champion Weaknesses
·         Easy to kill
·         Relies on ultimate

Champion Abilities
Passive: Power Chord: After every 3 spell casts Sona is granted bonus damage on her next auto attack. This auto attack is granted a bonus effect based upon whichever ability Sona is currently using.

Q – Hymn of Valor: Upon activation Sona sends out two bolts that will deal damage. These bolts will prioritize champions over minions. Sona’s aura gives allies a damage boost on their next attack and the aura last longer for every ally affected. While in this aura Sona’s Power Chord will deal additional damage.

W – Aria of Perseverance: Upon activation Sona heals herself and an ally. Sona’s aura gives allies a shield extending the aura based off of how many allies were affected. In this aura Sona’s Power Chord will reduce enemy damage output for 3 seconds

E – Song of Celerity: Upon activation Sona gives herself increased movement speed. Sona’s aura gives allies increased movement speed, extending based off how many allies were affected. In this aura Sona’s Power Chord slows the enemy champion for 2 seconds.

R – Crescendo: Sona strikes enemies with a chord damaging and rooting them to dance for a short period of time. For each Crescendo rank Sona’s auras are also increased in power.  

The best Ability to max first on Sona is her W to help sustain allies in lane. Next max her Q to increase harass output then final max her E. Her ultimate should be maxed when available.

Champion Build

Summoner Spells

As a support Sona should take flash and exhaust. Flash helps sona to escape situations and engage on enemies from afar while exhaust will lower the damage and slow the enemy she exhausts allowing for easier trades.

Runes and Masteries


Sona is a very solid support champion for beginners to League of Legends as she has many different elements in her kit that are easy to execute. She is also one hundred times more awesome now with her newly announced DJ Sona skin. If you enjoyed this guide remember to like share or comment! Follow us on our other social media sites as well!

Monday, 9 February 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Teemo, the Swift Scout

Today, by viewer request, we are going to introduce the most hated champion in League of Legends; Teemo, the Swift Scout. Teemo is either loved or hated by certain players because of his play style or because of his cute and innocent look. Teemo is an AP top laner. He relies on ability power and attack speed as his kit relies on auto attacks.

Champion Abilities:

Passive - Camouflage: After a couple of seconds of standing still Teem becomes invisible and untargetable. Upon movement, the invisibility is lost and Teemo gains a 40% attack speed buff. When invisible Teemo can still be hit by skill shots and other abilities that are non-targetable abilities.

Q - Blinding Dart: Teemo fires a dart that deals magic damage and blinds the target for a short period of time. A blinded target will miss all their auto attacks for the time that they are blinded. This ability is targeted

W - Move Quick: Teemo passively gains a movement speed buff. This buff can be interrupted once struck by enemies. Upon activation Teemo doubles his movement speed. This doubled movement speed does not occur if Teemo is attacking an enemy champion or enemy structure.

E - Toxic Shot: Each of Teemo’s auto attacks deal bonus magic damage in the form of a poison damage over time. The poison damage does not stack. New auto attacks against the target only reset the timer duration of the poison.

R - Noxious Trap: Teemo lays a mushroom that lasts for a long period of time. This mushroom grants a very small amount of vision in its area. Any enemy who steps on the mushroom will make it explode causing damage over time and slow any enemies caught in the area of effect explosion. Teemo will gradually generate mushroom stacks over time. Teemo can have a maximum of 3 mushrooms stored at a time

Summoner Spells

Taking flash on Teemo will help with escaping ganks or chasing enemies. Taking ignite will allow for better burst and Damage over time effects. Another spell that can work for Teemo is ghost. Because Teemo relies on chasing or kiting enemies this summoner spell can give Teemo the extra movement speed boost he needs to keep out of danger or finish off kills.

Runes and Masteries


Teemo is the most annoying champion in League of Legends. Play him at your own risk. Oh, and I guess he makes a decent top laner. If you enjoyed our guide remember to share, like and comment and follow us on our other social media sites too!

Monday, 2 February 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Soraka, the Starchild

Welcome to a League of Legends champion guide to Soraka, the Starchild. Soraka is a support who aids allies throughout the game but more specifically keeping her ADC alive. Soraka is almost always played in the bottom lane. As a support her job is the help allies stay alive and to help them get kills so that they become more powerful and dominate the enemy. If you are the kind of summoner who wishes to deal a lot of damage and dual with enemies, the support role may not necessarily be right for you.

Champion Strengths
·         Best healing champion in game
·         Great sustain
·         Global ultimate
·         Long silence ability

Champion Weaknesses
·         Cannot heal herself (only with ultimate)
·         Very easily killed if focused
·         Not always best pick into some team compositions
·         Long cooldowns

Champion Abilities
Passive – Salvation: Soraka will run faster towards enemies with low health. Low health targets will have an icon appear above them to indicate Soraka’s passive is in effect.

Q – Starcall: Soraka summons a star to fall at a targeted location. Any enemies in the area will take damage and are slowed.

W – Astral Infusion: Soraka uses her own health as a resource to heal a friendly target. Soraka cannot use this ability if she is below a certain percentage of health. When an enemy is hit by Soraka’s starcall ability she is healed per champion hit by starcall.

E – Equinox: Soraka creates a zone at a targeted location silencing and damaging all enemies who step inside. After a brief period the zone will deactivate, rooting and damaging all enemies left in the zone.

R – Wish: Soraka heals all allies including herself. This ultimate is global and will heal any ally anywhere so long as they are alive.  Any champion below 40% health gets a bonus 50% healing from this ability.

As Soraka the best ability to max first is W. Healing targets is her specialty so maxing this ability is crucial to her kit. Next is her Q to regenerate health by landing starcalls. Lastly is Soraka’s E ability. Her ultimate should be upgraded whenever possible.

Champion Runes and Masteries

Summoner Spells

Flash should be taken to ensure escapes. Take exhaust to lower the enemy ADC damage while in lane to better assist your allies while crippling your enemies. 

Champion Build


Soraka is a great support champion for new players to League of Legends to pick up and use. She brings great sustain to the game but has trouble finding the right team composition to be made extremely useful. If you enjoyed this guide remember to like share and comment. Check out our Facebook, twitter, and Instagram too!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Lucian, the Purifier

The next League of Legends champion to be featured in this blog will be Lucian, the Purifier. Lucian is an ADC who is played in the bottom lane with a support. As an ADC last hitting minions is a key priority as well as trying to dominate your opponents in lane. Lucian is a very spell based ADC unlike most which generally use their auto attacks more than their abilities.

Champion strengths
·         Good mobility
·         High burst damage
·         Great poke
·         Good at trading damage

Champion Weaknesses
·         Difficult ultimate to land
·         No CC
·         Very squishy champion

Champion abilities
Passive -: Lightslinger:  When Lucian uses an ability his next auto attack will proc two hits instead of one.

Q - Piercing Light: Lucian fires a light attack that deals damage in a line. This ability can hit multiple targets but is a targeted ability not a skill shot.

W - Ardent Blaze: Lucian fires a star shaped projectile that deals damages and marking enemies. This ability does not travel through targets and will explode on impact. Whenever Lucian attacks the marked enemies he gains a movement speed buff.

E - Relentless Pursuit: Lucian dashes a short distance in the targeted direction. This ability also removes slows but will not remove hard crowd control abilities. This dash can be used to go through certain walls on summoners rift for added mobility.

R -  The Culling: Lucian fires multiple shots in a line dealing damage with each hit. The higher Lucian’s attack speed is the more shots he will fire. Once cast Lucian cannot change his firing position. Lucian can dash during his ultimate to reposition himself.

Common combos when using Lucian
W>A>Q>A>E>A>R (A = auto attack)

Lucian’s main damage ability is his Q. Max out this ability first for max damage. Next max his E to lower the cooldown on his escape. Lastly comes his W. His ultimate should be upgraded whenever possible.

Summoners spells


Flash is always a must for escapes and repositioning yourself. Heal allows for a small heal and movement speed buff for escapes or chasing the enemy. Another summoner spell to consider is barrier if the opponents have high burst champions.

Runes and masteries

Champion Build


Lucian is one of the most enjoyable ADC champions to play in League of Legends as he has high damage, mobility, and a unique kit. For beginners Lucian may seem difficult but with practice can be a favorite and strong pick. If you enjoyed this guide check out our other League of Legends champion guides and check out our social media pages!

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower

The newest champion to League of Legends is Rek’Sai, the Void Burrower. Rek’Sai is an attack damage jungler who can be built with heavy damage or a lot of tankiness. She has a very unique kit of abilities that sets her apart from other champions. Yes, Rek’Sai IS a female champion.

Champion strengths:

Strong mobility
Strong ganks
Fast jungle clear
Longer vision
High burst

Champion weaknesses:

Tunnels are easily destroyed
Can be killed easily early game
Long cooldown on her only Crowd Control ability

Champion Abilities

Passives: Fury of the Xer’Sai. When Rek’Sai is above ground she generates frury by using her auto attacks and spells. When Rek”sai has accumulated frury and burrows underground, she passively will heal herself, depleting the frury.
Q - Queen’s Wrath: Rek’Sai next three basic attacks will deal bonus damage and attack nearby enemies. This is activation ability. While burrowed, Rek’Sai shoots a long ranged skill shot that deals damage and gives vision of the enemy hit.
W - Prey Seeker: Upon activating this ability Rek’sai will burrow underground gaining increased movement speed. Rek’Sai has reduced vision but can sense enemy movement in a larger range than a regular champion’s fog of war vision. Upon activation while underground, Rek’sai will knock up and damage nearby enemies.
E - Furious Bite: While above ground Rek’Sai will bite her target dealing damage increasing based on the amount of frury. While underground Rek’Sai will create a tunnel that she can travel to and from. Each tunnel has a cooldown once used and can be destroyed by enemy champions by stepping on them for a short period of time.
R - Void rush: Rek’Sai will teleport to one of her tunnels at a very high speed. She will let out a scream heard by all champions to indicate her ultimate is being used.

When playing Rek’Sai max Q to deal more damage to jungle camps. Next max E, then W. Ultimate’s should always be upgraded whenever they can.
Common combos when playing Rek'Sai:

Summoners Spells

Because Rek’Sai is a jungler smite is a must have. Flash also allows for better mobility and an escape.

Runes and Masteries

Champion Build

Rek’Sai is a very unique champion in the League of Legends. She offers a very mobile play style while still bringing high damage. However, she has a rough early game if counter jungled and has been consistently banned and will be banned for some time until players find more ways to counter her. If you enjoyed this post comment like and share your opinions on play style, builds, and the champion itself! Were always looking to hear from our viewers!