Tuesday, 27 January 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower

The newest champion to League of Legends is Rek’Sai, the Void Burrower. Rek’Sai is an attack damage jungler who can be built with heavy damage or a lot of tankiness. She has a very unique kit of abilities that sets her apart from other champions. Yes, Rek’Sai IS a female champion.

Champion strengths:

Strong mobility
Strong ganks
Fast jungle clear
Longer vision
High burst

Champion weaknesses:

Tunnels are easily destroyed
Can be killed easily early game
Long cooldown on her only Crowd Control ability

Champion Abilities

Passives: Fury of the Xer’Sai. When Rek’Sai is above ground she generates frury by using her auto attacks and spells. When Rek”sai has accumulated frury and burrows underground, she passively will heal herself, depleting the frury.
Q - Queen’s Wrath: Rek’Sai next three basic attacks will deal bonus damage and attack nearby enemies. This is activation ability. While burrowed, Rek’Sai shoots a long ranged skill shot that deals damage and gives vision of the enemy hit.
W - Prey Seeker: Upon activating this ability Rek’sai will burrow underground gaining increased movement speed. Rek’Sai has reduced vision but can sense enemy movement in a larger range than a regular champion’s fog of war vision. Upon activation while underground, Rek’sai will knock up and damage nearby enemies.
E - Furious Bite: While above ground Rek’Sai will bite her target dealing damage increasing based on the amount of frury. While underground Rek’Sai will create a tunnel that she can travel to and from. Each tunnel has a cooldown once used and can be destroyed by enemy champions by stepping on them for a short period of time.
R - Void rush: Rek’Sai will teleport to one of her tunnels at a very high speed. She will let out a scream heard by all champions to indicate her ultimate is being used.

When playing Rek’Sai max Q to deal more damage to jungle camps. Next max E, then W. Ultimate’s should always be upgraded whenever they can.
Common combos when playing Rek'Sai:

Summoners Spells

Because Rek’Sai is a jungler smite is a must have. Flash also allows for better mobility and an escape.

Runes and Masteries

Champion Build

Rek’Sai is a very unique champion in the League of Legends. She offers a very mobile play style while still bringing high damage. However, she has a rough early game if counter jungled and has been consistently banned and will be banned for some time until players find more ways to counter her. If you enjoyed this post comment like and share your opinions on play style, builds, and the champion itself! Were always looking to hear from our viewers!

League of Legends Champion Guide: Fiora, the Grand Duelist

As requested by our viewers this week on the Summoners Champion Guide’s Facebook page, we are going to talk about Fiora, the Grand Duelist from League of Legends. Fiora is a strong melee attack damage carry that has both high burst and sustained damage; accordingly as a melee ad carry, she follows a very glass cannon build.  Fiora performs best in the top lane because of her excellent dueling abilities and sustain that she receives from her passive, along with the excellent synergy with life steal early game that she receives from the high base attack damage she gets from her W. As the name the Grand Duelist implies, Fiora is a strong dueling champion able to combat and thrive against most top lane champions with just the slightest lead turning into utter domination.  
(It should also be noted that although Fiora is typically regarded as a Duelist she is a very potent assassin who can very easily pick off almost any carry in just a few seconds.)

Champion Strengths:

High Base AD (Fiora receives a bonus 15 AD from her first point in W, and then a bonus 5 for every subsequent rank)
Strong Ability Power/Attack Damage Carry Assassin
High Single Target Damage
Strong Multi Target Damage with Tiamat
Snowballs Well if She Gets Ahead

Champion Weaknesses

Her Late Game is Not as Strong as Her Early or Mid Game
Weak Team Fighting Abilities without Her Ultimate and a Tiamat
No Crowd Control Abilities
Is Heavily Countered by Crowd Control

Champion abilities

Passive: Regenerates Fiora’s health over 6 seconds each time she deals damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times. The consistent health regeneration when attacking enemies will help with dueling other champion, so look for good engagements and punish frequently.
Q lunge: Fiora dashes forward to strike the target and can dash again within 4 seconds. This ability is a targeted ability. This ability is useful for both its high base damage/scaling, and it allows Fiora to gap close between enemy champions. What makes this ability especially useful, is that it is able to be used twice which can be very potent against champions with either a knockback or a blink. Fiora can also use this ability to quickly poke down an enemy champion or secure a minion with the first application and then with the second application, escape to an enemy minion creating a gap between her and the enemy champion. (Cooldown per rank: 16/14/12/10/8)

W Riposte: Fiora gains passive bonus Attack Damage for every point in this ability. At rank 1 she receives a bonus 15 AD, while with each subsequent rank she receives an extra 5 per rank. At rank 5, Fiora will have a total of 35 bonus attack damage. When activated, Fiora will parry the next champion basic attack or on hit ability (such as Ezreal Q or Kayle E); dealing magic damage back to that enemy.
(Cooldown per rank: 10/9/8/7/6)

E Burst of Speed: When activated Fiora gains an additional 60/75/90/105/120 percent bonus attack speed for 3 seconds. In addition Fiora will also gain a bonus 7/9/11/13/15 percent bonus movement speed for three seconds stacking up to 3 times whenever fiora basic attacks or damages an enemy with her Q (Lunge).
R Blade Waltz: Fiora dashes around the battlefield becoming un-targetable dealing physical damage to nearby enemy champions striking up to 5 times. This ability will do 40 percent less damage to any target that has already been struck by Blade Waltz. Each strike applies on-hit effects (Life steal, Trinity Force, Blade of the Ruined King, Wit’s End, Etc…). This item synergizes very well with Ravenous Hydra.

Recommended Skill Order

High Burst Damage (Recommended against most non-all in champions and ranged champions)

Maxing Fiora’s Q during the laning phase will provide you with the highest burst damage, while at the same time giving you the safest harass through the use of a skill rather than multiple auto attacks. Maxing Fiora’s Q will reduce the agonizingly long 16 second rank 1 cooldown to a mere 8 seconds. Making good use of Fiora’s Q will create an overall a safe and versatile lane being able to more frequently close the gap between enemy champions or  to more frequently escape enemy engages will farming the minions farther away. W is then maxed second to synergize with Fiora’s  strong scaling on both her Q and her ultimate. E is maxed last because most trades in lane are quick in and out exchanges that are unable to make full use of Fiora’s E. However, Fiora’s E is an auto attack reset and should be used as such when you harass the opponent. An example of a Harass rotation would be as follows:

Against All In Champions

In this skill set, we max Fiora’s E against champions who very often will full on engage Fiora. Champions like Xin Zhao for instance who gap close and rely on overpowering their opponent in one go rather than having many early trades. It is important to max E in these instances because although Fiora has the most burst damage with her Q, the full duration of Fiora’s E will provide us with the highest sustained damage. This is especially effective against all in champions because… you guessed it, they’ll be attacking you! Rather than you having to chase them you will be able to make best use of your E and the whopping 120 percent bonus attack speed it gives! We then max W second not only because of the bonus attack damage it gives, but for the reduced cooldown which in an all in situation could be the one auto attack difference in your life or theirs.
High Sustain

This skill set is very similar to the first but instead having W taking priority over Q. We would max W in a lane where we may not necessarily be able to kill our laning opponent (lanes vs Malphite or Shen) or lanes where our laning opponent is much stronger than us early game (Jax/Riven); where farming safely would be much more beneficial than  constant engages. The reason that maxing W is effective for difficult lanes is due to 3 main reasons. 1. Allocating points into W will lower the cooldown by 1 second per rank; and although that may not sound like very much, it is the only active mitigation Fiora has. It is much better to mitigate damage in the first place and at rank 5 Riposte is on a 6 second cooldown. Meaning every  6 seconds you can mitigate lets an auto attack for 110-120 damage around level 9. If we successfully make best use of Riposte for 1 minute we can mitigate 1100-1200 damage every minute compared to if we didn’t max W first we would mitigate 660-720 damage every minute. Of course this may not always be valid against champions who don’t use auto attacks very often but, for the most part it is your safest bet for preventing harass. 2. Maxing Fiora’s W gives Fiora bonus attack damage which will synergizes extremely well with life steal. More attack damage, more life returned. 3. Maxing Fiora’s W will give her the best chance to last hit especially under turret due to the increased attack damage… 15 gold is 15 gold right haha! It adds up!

Summoner Spells

Although in the current Meta taking Teleport is very very important, Fiora relies very heavily on getting ahead in the early game and if Fiora takes teleport she gives up a lot of early kill and dueling potential. I would suggest only taking teleport on Fiora if you are very confident against your laning opponent.

Runes and Masteries:

Recommended: 2 Life steal Quints/1 AD Quints, 9 Attack Damage Reds, 9 MR Blues, 9 Armor Yellows
Armor Penn: 3 Armor Penn Quints, 9 Armor Penn Reds, 9 Armor Yellows, 9 MR Blues
Pure AD: 3 AD Quints, 9 AD Reds, 9 Armor Yellows, 9 MR Blues

Champion build

Core: Ravenous Hydra, Last Whisper, Black Cleaver

Situational Damage: Infinity Edge, Yomuu’s Ghost Blade, Blade of the Ruined King

Situational Defense: Hex Drinker/Maw of Malmordius, Randuins Omen, Guardian Angel, Mercurial Scimitar, Banshee’s Veil

Hypothetical Full Build Standard: Ninja Tabi/Merc Treads, Ravenous Hydra, Last Whisper, Black Cleaver, Yomuu’s Ghost Blade, Infinity Edge

Full Build vs Ap/CC: Merc Treads, Ravenous Hydra, Last Whisper, Black Cleaver, Maw of Malmordius, Mercurial Scimitar/Banshee’s Veil

Full Build Vs AD: Ninja Tabi’s, Ravenous Hydra, Last Whisper, Black Cleaver, Infinity Edge, Guardian Angel/Randuin’s Omen


Fiora is a strong top lane champion and can duel almost any champion in game when used correctly in League of Legends. She has high burst damage but suffers from her lack of Crowd Control or escapes. Fiora takes time to master so practice and practice until your blade waltzing yourself to victory! Special thanks to Alessiia from NA! If you enjoyed this guide make sure to like share or comment! We are always welcome to hearing your opinions on ways you would build or play her differently than how we suggested! 

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Lee Sin the fly killer.

Lou is going to introduce the most powerful and coolest champion in the league of legends.  The blind monk Lee Sin. One champion that have both strong power and high mobility at the same time.Lee Sin is always regard as the symbol of the Jungle. He is the main role that summoners will pick once they decide to play the role Jungle through Season 1 to Season 5. In our guide, i will show you two different builds that Lee Sin will build in games that can help the team to success.


+High mobility

+short CD between each skills

+looking good while playing Lee Sin


-He will be lack of damage once build tank in late game

-Bad for the summoners who have OCD, once they landed the q they never coming back.

-take long time to fully aware how to play lee sin well.


Passives Flurry: Each time Lee Sin use his skill twice, his auto attack speed will increase. this is usually a good advantage for Lee Sin as a Jungle role because his W skills will provide a shield and when you press the W for the second time it will bring you some amount of the health heal. so W combo with the passives can make sure you can farm in the Jungle easily.

Q ability sonic wave/resonating strike:  Lee Sin will kick out a sonic wave with his feet if this kick landed on any enemy or jungle creatures Lee Sin will have 3 seconds to decide whether to use resonating strike to approach the target and to deal the damage.( the extra damage is count by enemies'  8% of their missing health.

W ability safe guard/Iron Will:  Lee Sin rushes towards a target ally( including the wards from the ally) and also provide a shield for himself. Iron Will will  allow Lee Sin to have life steal ability for  5 seconds.

E ability Tempest/Cripple: Lee Sin smashes the ground and deal with magical damage. If Tempest landed on enemy summoners Lee Sin can apply the Cripple to reduce their moving speed. 

R ability Dragon's rage: Lee Sin will perform a powerful roundhouse kick to kick the enemy and the enemy that collide with the kick. the skill can knock champions up in the air and deal with amount of the physical damage.

Common combos when playing Lee Sin:
Q>E>R>Q     or Q>w/flash>R>Q (team fight or solo kill)

If you want to build tank to make sure to protect ally adc or apc, max  the Q and W
If you want to build damage to enjoy the fun of Lee Sin, max the Q and E 


If summoner want to play Lee Sin in Jungle the summoner spell is usually Smite and Flash.
If summoner want to play Lee Sin in Mid or Top replace the Smite with Ignite.



AD regular rune page should be good.

Lee Sin is my one of the favorite champion in League of Legends the way the champion perform itself just make me love League of Legends more. Practice the combo more and you will have awesome games performances. So hope you guys like this post about Lee Sin. Leave you comments so we can discuss how to play Lee Sin better. Here is a Link that I played, feel free to leave the comments.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d6vQmMTsh4

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

League of Legends Champion Guide: Viktor, the Machine Herald

Why not kick off this blog with the best champion in League of Legends (according to Joel that is). And that champion is Viktor, the Machine Herald. This guide will give you a better understanding of Viktor’s strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and how to build him. This guide is not the only way to build this champion. Everyone will have a different opinion on builds and ability order. However this guide is specifically for players who wish to start picking him up right away and start using him. If you have a difference of opinion share it and why you think that your Viktor build is great! We are always happy to hear from other players as well as get your feedback.

Viktor is an ability power burst champion with a very unique skill set. Viktor’s role is a mage and is played in the middle lane. Viktor is a fairly high skill cap champion meaning he will take some time to master. 


+ High Burst

+ Great area of effect damage

+Good range

+Great wave clear

+ He is a cyborg


- Is very squishy

- Can be very mana hungry
- Long cooldowns

- Difficult to just pick up and play


Viktor’s passive is an item that can be upgraded to gain more ability power and mana, but every time his passive is upgraded he may also upgrade one of his main abilities. Once Viktor reaches the final upgrade all of his abilities will be upgraded.

 Siphon Power is Viktor’s Q ability. This ability targets an enemy dealing small damage and returning a shield to Viktor. Viktor’s next auto attack will deal increased damage. Upgraded this ability on cast will give Viktor increased movement speed.

Gravity Field is Viktor’s W ability. Viktor puts down an area of effect trap that will slow enemies that enter the trap. Enemies in the trap gain a slowing debuff that will stack the longer they are in the trap. Once the debuff maxes out that enemy will become stunned for a short amount of time. Enemies will no longer gain the slowing debuff once stunned. Once this ability is upgraded enemies who are stunned will be pulled to the center of the trap. 

Death Ray is Viktor’s E ability. This is a line skill shot that deals incredible amounts of damage with very long range. This ability can be cast in a multitude of directions not just in a straight line. Viktor is able to choose from a range circle where the laser starts then hold and drag the mouse to where he wants to laser to travel. This ability can be used while running. When upgraded this ability will explode where the laser hit dealing additional damage. This ability is also very satisfying to use to clear minion waves and kill other champions. Lasers are great!

Chaos Storm is Viktor’s R ability, his ultimate. This ability creates a storm at the targeted location dealing initial damage and damage over time. The storm will chase an enemy that it damaged upon its activation. Viktor can also control where the storm moves by using the ultimate hotkey to control its position if the storm is not chasing an enemy. The storm will move faster the closer it is to Viktor and move slower the farther it is. When upgraded the storm will gain additional movement speed when Viktor repositions it or when chasing enemies. 

When playing Viktor the most common abilities to max out in order are:
R > E > Q > W

Start with a point in Q to have harass and a shield to win trades against other champions at level 1. By level 3 have a point in all your abilities to have them all at the ready in case of ganks. At level 6, 12, and 18 put a point into your ultimate as soon as you can. After level 6 follow the skill priority mentioned above. 


For Viktor the best summoners spells to use are flash and ignite. Flash helps to escape when things go wrong or to secure kills. Ignite allows for even more damage over time to help secure kills and add to your overall burst potential.


These masteries are a fairly standard ability powered mid mastery tree. Adding as much damage as possible with some extra mana regeneration and buff timer. 

These runes allow for better scaling ability power, mana regeneration, and magic penetration. Runes should be custom to whatever matchup you are playing however this guide is for a quick build assuming you do not have all the runes to make multiple rue pages.


Given Viktor’s role as a burst mage building straight ability power and magic penetration is a very smart idea. Starting items should be a Doran’s ring and two health pots just like many other mages. The best route the build Viktor is to start by fully upgrading his passive. This item will allow for better mana sustain as well as give Viktor scaling ability power. Once his passive is complete magic penetration boots and an ability power item are a great follow up giving Viktor more mobility and damage. A standard core Viktor build should look like:
Perfect Hex Core > Sorcerer’s shoes > Rabadons deathcap > Zhonya’s hourglass

The next two items can be situational. If the enemy is building magic resistance then items such as Void staff and Liandry’s torment are great choices because of the magic penetration they offer. Cooldown reduction items such as Athene's unholy grail also can help with Viktor's long cooldowns. If there is little to no magic resistance then a Lich bane and maybe even a guardian’s angle if you are very ahead in gold.


Overall Viktor is a very difficult champion to pick up but very fun to play when mastered. His play style is unique in League of Legends and more entertaining than some other champions whose abilities are fairly straightforward like Caitlyn. We hope this guide has proved helpful to you to better understand Viktor, the Machine Herald. Like, share, comment, and visit all our other social media sites!

League of Legends Champion Guides from S.C.G!

Hey everyone and welcome to Summoners Champion Guide!

                 League of legends is one of the world’s largest games with one of the largest active communities. There are many sites and in depth guides to help players through their league of legends experience. This however is a community blog where champion guides will be posted to help new and current players learn, share, and discuss champion roles, strengths, and builds. We believe helping newer players out to achieve a greater understanding of the game while having experienced players share their opinions on champions will be a unique and great way to form a community!

                Now that you know what this blog is about, who are we? We are Joel and Lou. We both ourselves are league of legend players who have a strong passion for the game. We want to create this blog to help new players better understand the champions in the game to ease the steep learning curve that league of legends has. 

                Guides will be short and brief but to the point to make sure new players will not be overwhelmed when reading a champion guide. Experienced players may find this information to be regular knowledge; however, these players can like, share, and comment on a champion guide to express their feelings on the champion in terms of viability, roles, and builds. Everyone has their own way of playing a champion, and this is the place to share your favorite way!

                With all that out of the way we hope that you’ll stay and be a part of our little community! To help us reach out to players, like, share, or comment on any of our social media accounts! We look forward to hearing from you!

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